
On this page you'll find songs that have been written by members of our congregation.
If you'd like to use these in your own worship, please get in touch with us. We're happy to provide you with the music.

2nd November

We're pleased to share a new song with you - the words are by our locum minister Ralph Dunn with music by Gina. Gina and Roberta recorded it for us this week.

6th June

Today we'd like to share with you a new song written by Gina with words by Roberta. Conscious of the tragic and upsetting events across the world this week, the words of You Alone Are Lord feel even more poignant.


When all falls silent
When human power fails
When dreams are dashed and plans forgotten
You alone are Lord.

You alone are Lord
The great Messiah
The holy lamb of God
The earth’s redeemer
My only saviour
Ever to be worshipped and adored.

When rooms are empty
When doors are shut and locked
When loneliness overwhelms us
You alone are Lord.

When hands are helpless
When our effort is not enough
When hope is gone and faith is fragile
You alone are Lord.

31st May - Pentecost

Here is a new song composed by Gina specially for this Pentecost day. The words are based on 1 Corinthians 14 and has been titled "To the Chief Musician - words for Pentecost", in the style of the Psalms. The song is performed for us by Gina and Roberta.


Holy Spirit, inspire my song.
To honour the Creator of all things.
Words alone are useless,
Unless they bring some revelation.
Flute and harp are lifeless,
Unless the notes are played distinctly.
If my song is not heaven-sent,
It will fade and vanish in the air. 

Holy Spirit, inspire my song
That I may proclaim Christ’s Salvation.
May my tune bring comfort
And my words give encouragement.
Tell, singer, of wonders,
The endless love of God Almighty.
These are God’s words: “Seek justice,
Love mercy, walk humbly on in truth.” 

Holy Spirit, inspire my song
That I may announce God’s purpose.
Open our eyes and ears
To a world in need of renewal.
If the bugle call is muffled,
None will know it is time for battle.
Oh hear my song and stand up;
Go out in the power of the Spirit.

God the sender, send us.
God the sent, come with us.
God the strength of those who go,
Empower us, that we may go
Forever and wherever with you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

23rd May

This week's song, Deep Peace, is one Gina wrote last year. You may remember when she explained the song is in the key of Db major - which to her is the key of melted Lindt chocolate!

The words are from "The Dominion of Dreams: Under the Dark Star" by Fiona Macleod (William Sharp, 1895).

Gina and David recorded this song together at home, and the photos were collected from members of the congregation.

Deep peace of the running waves to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace I breathe into you,
Deep peace, a soft white dove to you;
Deep peace, a quiet rain to you;
Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you!

Deep peace, red wind of the east from you;
Deep peace, grey wind of the west to you;
Deep peace, dark wind of the north from you;
Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you!

Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you;
Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you;
Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you;
Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you;
Deep peace, pure blue of the sky to you!

Deep peace of Christ to you.
Deep peace of Christ to you.
Deep peace of Christ to you

14th May

Last November, members of Lenzie Union Parish Church were asked to share what they want to say or express when they worship. The words and phrases were put together and set to music by Gina to create Thank You God.

Even in such difficult times as these, we have much that we can be thankful for, in particular that God is always there with us through them.

Thank You God.mp3

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina and Roberta in action too!

Thank you for ladybirds crawling on leaves,
Thank you for frogs in the ponds,
Thank you for bees buzzing around.
Thank you God.
          For all you have given and all you have done,
          Thank you God.
          For all you have given and all you have done.
          Thank you God.

Thank you for friends who live far away,
Thank you for neighbours next door,
Thank you for family wherever they are.
Thank you God.

Thank you for rainbows and snowstorms and clouds,
Thank you for sunshine and hail,
Thank you for rain and thunder and sleet,
Thank you God.

Thank you for lifting us when we fall down,
Thank you that you're always there,
Thank you for giving your Son on the cross,
Thank you God.

8th May

King of my Life is a congregational song which was composed a couple of years ago - Gina set a poem written by Alison Grainger to music to create this song.

King of my life.mp3

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

King of my life, broken for me.
Come down from glory to die on that tree.
How can I thank you for all that you give?
As tears stain my cheeks you tell me “just live”.
How can I thank you for all that you give?
As tears stain my cheeks you tell me “just live”.

“Live life for me”, says the King of all Kings.
“Love folk like I do and teach them to sing
Songs from the heart, songs of joy and peace.
Show them my way, teach them about grace.
Songs from the heart, songs of joy and peace.
Show them my way, and teach them about grace”.

King of my life, you were broken for all.
In humility we find you, in pride we will fall.
Come live in me, take over my will
And lead me on paths where the water is still.
Come live in me, take over my will
And lead me on paths where the water is still.

1st May

This week our song is Come to the Saviour, a contemplative song which was written by Gina and Una 11 years ago. The audio recording has the song in parts while the video is the arrangement for congregations.

Come to the Saviour - Gina Baker.mp3

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

Come to the comfort of the Saviour's love,
Be still in peace, at rest.
Turn from the frenzy of the world's mad whirl
Which leaves the mind oppressed.
The living water from above that will renew the heart
Is freely given by the Lord to those who wait apart,
To those who wait apart.

Come to the power of the Saviour's touch,
Be healed by love and live.
Although so battered by the world around.
God has a cure to give.
The oil of kindness from above, which is poured out on you,
Will make you whole and set you free for God makes all things new,
For God makes all things new.

Come to the brightness of the Saviour's light,
Open your eyes and see
The darkness shattered. Doors are opened wide
For Jesus holds the key.
Both strength and wisdom from above are things his presence brings.
The joy of walking by his side makes all his people sing,
Makes all his people sing.

24th April

This week's song was our first venture into hymn-writing, 12 years ago, and has become a firm favourite with our congregation. The words of The Glory of the Lord are by Sarah Young and music by Gina Baker.
We hope this song helps to remind us all that, despite how difficult things are right now, the Glory of the Lord can be seen, felt and heard everywhere.

The Glory of the Lord - Gina Baker.mp3

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

1. On every street corner,
On every mountain top,
In every valley bottom,
I have seen the Glory,
       the Glory of the Lord,
I have seen the Glory of the Lord,
I have seen the Glory of the Lord.

2. On every praising tongue
On every bird's glad song,
In every quiet moment,
I have heard the Glory,
       the Glory of the Lord,
I have heard the Glory of the Lord,
I have heard the Glory of the Lord.

3. On every deep sadness,
On every new gladness,
In every warm embrace,
I have felt the Glory,
       the Glory of the Lord,
I have felt the Glory of the Lord,
I have felt the Glory of the Lord.

4. On every peaceful road,
On every bright new dawn,
In every tranquil silence,
I have touched the Glory,
       the Glory of the Lord,
I have touched the Glory of the Lord,
I have touched the Glory of the Lord.

5. On every street corner,
On every mountain top,
In every valley bottom,
I shall tell the Glory,
       the Glory of the Lord,
I shall tell the Glory of the Lord,
I shall tell the Glory of the Lord.

19th April

Gina wrote You are the Peace a few years ago, using words from the Celtic oral tradition from the first millennium. The MP3 file is the version for solo voices and choir, sung by Gina and David. The video shows the song in its version for congregations.

You are the Peace - Gina Baker.mp3


You are the peace of all things calm
You are the place to hide from harm
You are the light that shines in dark
You are the heart's eternal spark.

You are the door that's open wide
You are the guest who waits inside
You are the stranger at the door
You are the calling of the poor.

You are my Lord and with me still
You are my love, keep me from ill
You are the light, the truth, the way
You are my Saviour this very day.

12th April - EASTER SUNDAY

Beyond the Birdsong

Beyond the Birdsong is a new song written specially for today - the words are by Una Duncan, and the music is written and performed by Gina Baker. We hope you enjoy it. Happy Easter!

Beyond the Birdsong - Gina Baker.mp3


Beyond the birdsong - Full Score.pdf Beyond the birdsong - Full Score.pdf
Size : 73.431 Kb
Type : pdf

At noon upon the hillside
Where the sun had ceased to shine
Black darkness lay in mourning on the world.
They crucified our Saviour
Then they laid him in a tomb
And the silence of the grave around him furled.

          Yet beyond the birdsong, 
I hear angels start to sing
         "Holy! Holy! Is the lamb, who died and rose again”
          And the saints of all the ages all shout aloud the name
          Of Jesus, our Redeemer, and their endless praises bring.
          “Glory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Holy One!
          Holy! Holy! Holy is your name!
          “Glory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Risen One!
          Holy! Holy! Holy is your name!

In the early morning garden
When the dew lay on the ground
In the stillness of the dawning of the day,
Some women heard an angel say
“He's not here but risen.
See! The tomb is empty, the stone rolled away!”
          Then beyond the birdsong….

On the twilit evening roadside
Where the way seemed long and hard,
Dusty travellers went together to the town.
When the one who shared their journey
Stopped and rested with them,
Broke the bread and they knew it was their Lord.
          And beyond the birdsong….

In the early morning garden
With the dew upon the grass,
In the brightness of a glowing noon-time sun,
By a twilit evening roadside
Or in darkness late at night,
I stop to hear and join the angels’ song.
          There beyond the birdsong….

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

I Arise Today

Gina wrote this song at Easter 2017, and the words were written in the First Millenium by two patron saints of Ireland. I Arise Today is by Bridgid of Gael and Be Thou a Bright Flame is an ancient Celtic blessing by St Columba.

Gina recorded this during the week with her husband David in their front room, and the photos are from members of the congregation.

Bridgid of Gael
I arise today
Through a mighty strength:
God’s power to guide me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s eyes to watch over me;
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to give me speech,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to shelter me,
God’s host to secure me.

St Columba
Be thou a bright flame before me,
Be thou a guiding star above me,
Be thou a smooth path below me,
Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me,
Today – tonight – and for ever.

5th April - Palm Sunday

Some of you might remember this Palm Sunday song by Gina and Una - and if you do, you probably won't believe they wrote it in 2009!

Hosanna, Jesus - Gina Baker.mp3


The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

Hosanna, Jesus, King of Kings,
In God’s holy name you come,
Honour, glory, worship, praise,
We shall sing to you.
We know you are the Son of God,
You who died and rose again.
O Saviour who is with us now,
May your kingdom come.
By your Spirit give us power to walk
The path to which we’re called
To lift our cross and follow you
And make your kingdom come.
Help your people gathered here to be
One in love and joy and hope,
And keep us faithful on the road,
Until your kingdom comes.

30th March

Gina has written another song - this time with words by her sister Roberta Logan. Musicians have had all their work cancelled at the moment, but it's important for them to still have a way to create and express themselves. Gina has recorded Lord, Come Now With Your Light for you to listen to here.

Lord, Come Now With Your Light - Gina Baker.mp3

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina and Roberta in action too!

Before all time, before all things
When all was darkness and deep silence
You were there; you spoke the Word
And filled the nothingness with light.

The Light is life to all mankind
It blazes out into the dark
It burns away our sin and shame
O Lord, come now with your light.

Amidst the chaos of our lives
Amidst the fear and emptiness
You are here, you speak the word
And fill our brokenness with light.

And at the end of all things,
When everything has been made new
The Word will be upon his throne
And everyone will know his light.

21st March

As a congregation, we have worked together over the years to write a number of new hymns for both congregational and choir use. This troubling time has already inspired a new song.

The words of A Song in a Troubled World were written by Una Duncan and the music is by Gina Baker. Gina recorded it for you to listen to and the sheet music is available to download below.


A Song in a Troubled World - Gina Baker.mp3

A Song in a Troubled World - Full Score.pdf A Song in a Troubled World - Full Score.pdf
Size : 29.08 Kb
Type : pdf

The audio-only MP3 version has better sound quality, but we thought you'd like to see Gina in action too!

In times of trouble, you are there,
In times of trouble, you are near,
In times of trouble, you are here,
Almighty God.
When things seem more than we can bear,
And when our hearts are full of fear,
And when we weep at what we hear,
O help us Lord.

O God with power to make things new,
In need of help, we call to you,
With hopeful hearts we turn to you,
O saving Lord.